Monday, April 5, 2010

time-killing websites

Everyone has their time-wasting websites to open up while in class or at work. Here are some of mine.


TFLN (Texts from Last Night): While I quickly wore through the over-dramatized and often fake MLIA (My Life is Average) and I seldom want to read the depressing happenings in people's lives on FML (F My Life), I'm always up for some TFLN. Immature, drunken college life as documented by friends posting drunken text message conversations? Yes please.


People have secrets. PostSecret provides an outlet to anonymously let any secret off your chest, from the most mundane ("I thought it was Pullet Surprise!") to the utterly heartbreaking ("My mom thinks my depression is 2 years old. I have dreamed of being hit by cars since I was 12, I'm 21."). There are only two requirements to share your secret here. 1) You must not have ever shared it with anyone before. 2) You must write it on a postcard and send it to 13345
Copper Ridge Rd. Germantown, MD 20874.

If you don't send in your secrets, you might be surprised to see them on the site anyway.  It's quite liberating.

PostSecret now has 5 books available in bookstores nationwide. It is a common practice to write secrets on postcards and leave them in copies at local booksellers and libraries.

At the bottom of the webpage, they boast "PostSecret is the largest advertisement-free Blog in the world. "

FOUND Magazine:

FOUND features grocery lists, private notes, and photographs among other items that have been found and posted by users.


A comic geared toward tech, math, and science geeks.  Way too popular for its own good, but usually very entertaining.  Prereqs: MATH 2110, PHYS 2120.

TWOP (Television Without Pity:

I like TV so much that once I watch an episode, I want to hear complete strangers recap every word of it with snarky comments and cute nicknames (What do you call Dr. House's team?  Cottages!).  That's why I read TWOP.  It's more fun than you think.

The Ack Attack!'s Illustrated Lost Recaps:

TWOP too wordy for you? Try these Lost recaps: episodes retold in LOLspeak complete with screencaps.


Thinking about getting a Chinese tattoo? Unless you SPEAK and WRITE Chinese, think again. So many of the tattoos featured on this site are so wrong it's insane. Quite a bit were translated for the customer by a "reliable" source like a Chinese friend or translation service. There's also the occasional mangled Hanzi (Chinese character) on a corporate ad, seen by millions of consumers. Don't forget menus, signs, and merchandise. You may not care if your Ed Hardy bag says "Die first, insult later," but I for one, find it very funny.

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